Behavior-Powered Execution System for Lasting Results

If you are struggling to get even the simplest of behaviors to become habits in your organization, you’ve come to the right place!

The key is to focus on
Vital Behaviors—the select powerhouse actions that propel groups to astonishing success when consistently practiced together.

Does Your Organization’s Success Depend on People Doing the Right Things Consistently?

This book shows you how to turn Vital Behaviors into mission-critical habits across your organization

“This book is truly outstanding. The approach holds immense value for countless organizations. Real-world examples helped deepen my comprehension of what I could do immediately to improve performance.”

-Connie Conboy, Past Board Chair, Association of Internal Management Consultants
and Past VP of Bayer Material Science Business Excellence and Strategic Initiative

Free templates that guide you through each step of building your own Vital Behavior Blueprint.

“The templates were a huge perk. I was immediately rewarded for completing a template because it helped me make sound decisions in building my overall Blueprint.”

-Recent Workshop Participant

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To Building Your Vital Behavior Blueprint


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Behavior Blueprint Builder

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Training, facilitating, and coaching from a Vital Behavior Expert

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Speaking Engagements

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Join a cohort of performance improvement professionals for six bi-weekly sessions with Performance Ally’s top advisors. Learn to lead Vital Behavior Blueprint sessions and apply this proven methodology to sustain improvements in processes, strategy, daily operations, and project outcomes.

Vital Behavior Blueprint Masterclass

Sample Results by Focusing on Vital Behaviors

23% Profitability

18% Productivity

41% Quality

10% Customer Loyalty

23% Turnover

18% Absenteeism

41% Shrinkage

10% Safety Incidents

See the Power of Vital Behaviors

“Our agency-wide Vital Behaviors ensured that 50 people on our hospice care teams delivered the ‘perfect care visit’ every time.”

“Our shift-wide Vital Behaviors got people to follow safety and quality procedures every time.”

“Our nation-wide Vital Behaviors changed our national teen culture from one where heavy drinking was encouraged to one where alcohol abuse is now rare.”  

“Our customer service Vital Behaviors helped our 8,000 in-home appliance repair technicians improve our Net Promoter Score from mid-tier to top-tier among our competitors. 

“Our global Vital Behaviors aligned 29,000 flight attendants around the world to do the four things our frequent flyers said were the most important things they wanted in-flight to remain loyal to our airline.”  

Get Started

Ready to bring the Vital Behavior Blueprint approach to your organization? Talk to a Vital Behavior Advisor to decide the best path for your organization.